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Who uses WebSite X5?

WebSite X5
Published by Incomedia in WebSite X5 News · Thursday 07 Jul 2022
A couple of months ago, we sent you a brief survey. This isn’t the first time we’ve done this, but we wanted to verify how accurate and up-to-date the snapshot we have of you still was.

First off, we are happy with the large number of responses we received. They confirm your dedication to us. Second, we thought we’d share some of the results that have emerged by adding them into a fun infographic.

So, are you ready to discover the profile of a typical WebSite X5 user?

Can you see yourself in this snapshot? Let's go over it together.

Our survey shows that the majority of you (51%) discovered WebSite X5 through a Google search, while 24% of you found reviews on specialized portals and websites,12.8% instead, has a friend or colleague that recommend it.

The reasons you chose it as a tool for creating your websites are mainly related to its ease of use and to the fact that it doesn’t require programming skills (21.26%). This is followed by not being required to pay a monthly fee (14.34%) and the possibility to create an unlimited number of websites (13.74%).

Semantic analysis of the open-ended responses you gave included "simple", “easy”, “mine forever”, “no programming” as words that stood out.

“Website X5 is brilliantly simple!”

It’s further proof that, once learned, you enjoy working with WebSite X5, and we were able to calculate that each of you creates 2.5 websites on average.

“One rate, unlimited websites, no subscription”

Additionally, the topics your sites deal with are extremely varied and diverse, since 37.55% of you created them to share your hobbies and passions. Reasons for creating a site include increasing sales and finding new customers (29.84%) and developing sites for resale to third parties (16.12 percent). Less popular reasons, but still well represented, are the following: opening an e-commerce store, collecting donations and creating a blog.

“My hobby wasn’t visible. I was the only one could see it :) Then I discovered WebSite X5, and now I'm sharing it with the entire world. I had visitors from 145 countries. Thank you.”

We were pleased to see that you were very quick to implement your projects. It may be because WebSite X5 is so easy to use, but as many as 70% of you say you created your site in less than two weeks. For 22.49% of you, two or three days was enough. That’s lightning fast!

Additionally, the fact that you don’t consider website development as a "hit and run" activity was demonstrated by the frequency with which it’s updated. 30.13% of you update your pages at least once a month, and 23.6% update them at least once a week. This says a lot about the importance of the sites that you’ve created.

“With a little imagination, you can create a professional website with no programming skills at all. All offline, no monthly payments, and the cost is very reasonable.”

In the end, however, it all comes down to one question: “Would you recommend WebSite X5?” There’s no better measurement of your satisfaction with WebSite X5. After all, no one would recommend something they’re not fully happy with at the risk of making a bad impression on friends or colleagues. As many as 82% of you said that you would recommend WebSite X5.

“I love WebSite X5! It’s a wonderful program! I have looked at many CMS systems, but I have come to the conclusion that WebSite X5 is a very convenient and well-balanced system for building even the most complex website.”

In short, these are very positive results which tell us we’re on the right path.

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