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How to create a Landing Page

WebSite X5
Published by Incomedia in Guides and Tips · Thursday 27 Jun 2019
Have you ever heard of a Landing Page? I’m sure you have.
Landing Pages are a vital web marketing tool and if you have a website, blog or an e-commerce store and you are trying to boost your online presence, you may have wondered how to create an effective Landing Page or how to optimize it for a higher conversion rate.

In this article, we will answer the following questions:

At the end of this article you will also find many examples and case studies, which are very useful as a source of inspiration and as a way to move from theory to practice.

What is a Landing Page?

1. Lead Page for Lead Generation

2. Click-Through Page for sales

What is the best type of Landing Page?

What are the key elements of an effective Landing Page?


Title and subtitle

Featured image or video

Registration forms (Form) and Call to Action (CTA)

List of benefits

User feedback and reviews

Social Buttons

Navigation menu

How do I measure the effectiveness of a Landing Page?


If you’ve come this far, it should be clear to you what a Landing Page is and why you should use one. You should also understand what  you need to work on to create a successful Landing Page and that there is no magic recipe to follow. Instead, you’ll have to be “strategic” and “scientific” by setting goals and being willing to test, measure and change your Landing Page until you’ve found the solution that gives you the best results in terms of conversions.

Now it’s up to you. Have you ever thought of creating a Landing Page to promote your products or services? You can do it with WebSite X5, the perfect software for creating Websites, E-commerce sites, Blogs and - why not? - Landing Pages.

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